Nextflow Ambassadors

Abhinav Sharma

Abhinav Sharma...

Adam Talbot

Adam Talbot...

Alex Peltzer

Alex Peltzer...

Anabella Trigila

Anabella Trigila...

Anders Jemt

Anders Jemt...

Bhargava Morampalli

Bhargava Morampalli...

Chris Hakkaart

Chris Hakkaart is a Developer Advocate at Seqera, working on strengthening the Nextflow and nf-core communities. He holds a PhD in Genetics from the University of Otago, New Zealand. He is also a member in the nf-core core team.

Christopher Mohr

Christopher Mohr...

Cris Tuñi

Cris Tuñi...

Daniel Lundin

Daniel Lundin...

Davi Marcon

Davi Marcon...

Edmund Miller

Edmund Miller is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Functional Genomics Lab at the University of Texas at Dallas. He's a maintainer in the nf-core project involved in an eclectic group of nf-core projects.

Esha Joshi

Esha has a background in bioinformatics and in developing tools for clinical genomics. She is currently a Bioinformatics Engineer at Seqera and a member of nf-core.

Francesco Lescai

Francesco Lescai leads the Computational Genomics Lab at the University of Pavia. He teaches bioinformatics and he's a developer of nf-core pipelines.

Franziska Bonath

Fran got her PhD in Developmental Biology at the University of Manchester, then moved to Stockholm where she eventually landed at the NGI, one of the founding institutions of nf-core. She is a core team member of nf-core.

Friederike Hanssen

Friederike Hanssen...

Georgie Samaha

Georgie leads the bioinformatics group at the Sydney Informatics Hub, University of Sydney. She is working toward making bioinformatics more accessible by developing public digital infrastructure with the Australian BioCommons.

Geraldine Van der Auwera

Geraldine is Lead Developer Advocate at Seqera. She has a bit of history with GATK and is also the author of Genomics in the Cloud (O'Reilly, 2020).

Gisela Gabernet

Gisela Gabernet...

Harshil Patel

Harshil Patel is the Head of Scientific Development at Seqera. He is also a core team member of nf-core core team.

James Fellows Yates

James has a PhD in Bioinformatics from FSU Jena and MPI-EVA. He is currently a PostDoc at Leibniz-HKI, working in metagenomics with a specialism in ancient DNA. He is also a core team member of nf-core core team.

Jasmin Frangenberg

Jasmin Frangenberg...

Jonathan Manning

Jonathan Manning...

Jose Espinosa-Carrasco

Jose is a Bioinformatician at the CBCRG group at the CRG, the laboratory where Nextflow was born. As an early adopter of Nextflow, he is also a member of the nf-core core team.

Júlia Mir Pedrol

Júlia is a bioinformatician at QBiC, Tübingen University working on pipeline development. She is also an nf-core tools developer and a member of the nf-core core team.

Kübra Narcı

Kübra Narcı...

Laramie Lindsey

Laramie Lindsey...

Luke Pembleton

Luke has a PhD in Molecular Genetics from La Trobe University and AVR, Australia. He is currently a Genomic Breeding Scientist and Global Strategic Science Manager at Barenbrug.

Marcel Ribeiro-Dantas

Marcel holds a PhD in Bioinformatics from Sorbonne Université. He is currently a Developer Advocate at Seqera and a member in the nf-core core team.

Matthias De Smet

Matthias De Smet...

Matthias Hörtenhuber

Matthias Hörtenhuber...

Maxime Garcia

Maxime, bioinfomagician, develops nf-core pipelines, mainly Sarek, and is a member of the nf-core core team.

Michael Heuer

Michael Heuer...

Moritz E. Beber

Moritz E. Beber...

Natalia Coutouné

Natalia Coutouné...

Nicolas Vannieuwkerke

Nicolas Vannieuwkerke is a Bioinformatician at CMGG. He mainly develops Nextflow pipelines for in-house deployment using the nf-core standards. He also is an avid believer in "Learning on the job" and is always eager to learn

Phil Ewels

Phil Ewels is Senior Product Manager for Open Source Software at Seqera, working on strengthening the Nextflow and nf-core communities. He holds a PhD in Molecular Biology from the University of Cambridge, UK. He co-founded nf-core and is a member of the core team.

Priyanka Surana

Priyanka Surana...

Ramprasad Neethiraj

Ram is a bioinformatician in the Clinical Genomics Unit at SciLifeLab, Stockholm, developing diagnostic pipelines for clinical settings. He has a Ph.D. in Population Genetics from Stockholm University.

Rob Syme

Rob Syme is a Bioinformatics Engineer at Seqera. Previously a coal-face computational biologist with a Bioinformatics PhD working on fungal and crop genomics/genetics.

Robert Petit

Robert is a Senior Bioinformatics Scientist at the Wyoming Public Health Laboratory. He's the developer of Bactopia, a regular contributor to nf-core, and a member of the Bioconda Core team.

Saba Nafees

Saba Nafees...

Sateesh Peri

Sateesh Peri...

Simon Pearce

Simon Pearce is a Principal Bioinformatician at the Cancer Research UK National Biomarker Centre, where he works on detecting and subtyping cancer using circulating cell-free DNA methylation.

Sofia Stamouli

Sofia Stamouli...