
The nextflow.cli package implements the command line interface.

Class Diagram

classDiagram %% %% nextflow.cli %% class Launcher { cliOptions : CliOptions command : CmdBase } Launcher --* CliOptions Launcher --* CmdBase %% CmdBase <|-- CmdClean %% CmdBase <|-- CmdClone %% CmdBase <|-- CmdConfig CmdBase <|-- CmdConsole %% CmdBase <|-- CmdDrop %% CmdBase <|-- CmdFs CmdBase <|-- CmdHelp CmdBase <|-- CmdInfo %% CmdBase <|-- CmdKubeRun %% CmdBase <|-- CmdList %% CmdBase <|-- CmdLog %% CmdBase <|-- CmdNode %% CmdBase <|-- CmdPlugin %% CmdBase <|-- CmdPull CmdBase <|-- CmdRun %% CmdBase <|-- CmdSecret %% CmdBase <|-- CmdSelfUpdate %% CmdBase <|-- CmdView


Some classes may be excluded from the above diagram for brevity.


The Launcher class is the entrypoint for Nextflow. It uses JCommander to parse the command-line arguments. Additionally, there is a class for each subcommand which implements the application logic of that command. By far the most complex command is CmdRun.