Episode 22 Nextflow language updates: Better error messages

In this episode of the Channels podcast, it’s all about developer experience! We chat about debugging, error messages and language servers.

  • News and Views
  • 11 September 2023

In this episode of the Channels podcast, it’s all about developer experience! 👩🏻‍💻🎉

Ben Sherman takes Phil Ewels through new and upcoming language improvements in the Nextflow language which will help people writing Nextflow pipelines write code faster, with fewer errors, and of course with beautifully formatted indentation 🤩

We cover:

  • What exactly was happening in the last episode, when Marcel, Chris and Phil ran wild with a beta version of breakpoint debugging in IntelliJ IDEA.
  • Why informative error messages are difficult in Nextflow, and how we’re making things better (coming to your console in the next stable release!)
  • How we’re building a Nextflow language server, for linting, formatting and code completion in your favourite IDE.

We mentioned an issue / PR label used on the Nextflow GitHub repo called error-improvements - check those out here!

You can find the recent and upcoming nf-core / Nextflow training events at https://nf-co.re/events/training

Registration closes for the Nextflow Summits 2023 soon! Grab your tickets before it’s too late: https://summit.nextflow.io/

Episode coming soon..

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